//Fly to start of the Range, Test Transporters, Tractor Beams, and Shuttlecraft
//some vessels do not have the option of installing all this equip or crew
//should ADD defiant-specific systems
<MISS = SDC, DES = 0250:0800:Start of Testing Range, RAR= 000,TIL= 000,>
<ICMD = #captainSpeaks,Welcome aboard.,
//direct queries of command staff skills
#captainSpeaks,Staff officers please report.,
#otherSpeaks,Engineering ready.,
//Engineering's just fine.
#otherSpeaks,First Officer ready.,
//Your First Officer is itching to get started.
#otherSpeaks,Communications ready.,
//Communications OK.
#otherSpeaks,Chief Medical Officer ready.,
//The doctor is in.
#otherSpeaks,Science ready.,
//Science here and waiting for departure.
#otherSpeaks,Security and Tactical ready.,
//All set at Security.
#otherSpeaks,Counsellor ready.,
//Things are fine with the Counsellor.
#captainSpeaks,Test the Main Navigational Deflector.,
#captainSpeaks,Test the structural integrity field before going to warp.,
#otherSpeaks,Something's wrong. Warp engines won't come on-line Captain!,
#HQCmd2,Let's look things over.,
<MSG00 = [1:"Departed spacedock.",2:"Arrived at start of test range.", 3:"Transporter and Tractor Beam systems tested.", 4:"Shuttlecraft launch capability tested."]>
<MSG01 = Prepare for departure.>
<MSG02 = <HEAR=link>Let's keep in mind that this testing protocol includes a runthru of all possible systems, some of which might not be part of the available complement for this particular Class.>
<MSG03 = <HEAR=process@FLYB=SmStarbaseBG;ByOut>Let us know when we arrive at the test range.>
<MSG04 = >
<MSG06 = Ready to begin systems operational tests.>
#crewComp,0 0 0 0 0 0,
//params= command eng civill science support tactical
//load param must be 1 (ton) until psm change the shipdefs
<MO_HQ_EV1 =Vessel suffered an unrepairable failure. Mission cannot proceed. Make sure appropriate systems and crew are present and that crew complement is adequate.,
#simOver,-, Acknowledged., #simOver,-,, #HQCmd1,>
<MO_HQ_EV2 = ALERT: Warp engines not responding. Possible subsystem inadequacies or damage. Refer to System Performance Analysis in the outcome report for symptoms.,
#otherSpeaks,-,Ignore and carry on., #simOver ,-,Stop mission., #HQCmd2,>